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Helloooo everyone! Thank you SO MUCH for checking out my page here at World Race. I thought it would be appropriate to take a moment and explain World Race: Semesters and why I’m doing it. 

Who: Me! If we’ve not met, my name is Nick Scipione. I committed my life to Jesus Christ and was baptized in His name on Easter morning of 2018. I’m also a 22 year old Penn State graduate from Hershey, PA. I love playing the electric bass, running, reading, laughing, and giving big hugs.

What: The World Race: Semesters is a three-month mission trip put together by an organization called Adventures in Missions.

When: I will be leaving home on August 27 and will return on November 23. 

Where: I will be serving in three countries in Central America: Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama! I will be spending about a month in each country. Adventures in Missions is partnering with a different ministry in each of these countries, allowing us to meet the specific needs of each community we’ll be in. 

Why: The heart behind this trip is to follow in Jesus’s example in the way He loved and cared for those who were lost and hurting, to be obedient in Jesus’s commission to make disciples of all nations, and to be His witness to the ends of the earth. I also see it as an awesome opportunity to step with faith into the identity that God says I have because of what Jesus did for me on the cross. 

How: This trip is made possible by the generosity of people like you. By helping me to support raise, you are making a statement of faith in the work that I’ll be doing. You are partnering with God in His plan to use me and the other members of my squad to love and serve those we will have the opportunity to connect with. I humbly ask you to consider financially supporting me if you believe in this mission and feel moved to do so. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, please feel free to fill out the contact form under the contact tab on this site. 

May the Lord bless you and keep you!


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